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Unlock the power of proximity

Our Mission

Amplify your presence with What's On:

Revolutionise the way your business operates

Visitors can feel the pulse of your campus with our heatmap feature, allowing your clients to know at a glance the areas of highest activity and discover trending spots. But What's On: is not just about exploring — it's about active participation. Users can log in to the app and create their own posts about any of the events on offer, the power is in their hands to share and connect with others.

What's On: gives you full control over your business, extending your reach and boosting customer engagement. With a top-down view of the whole site, users can flock to hotspots without a care in the world, with no guesswork required. The benefits go both ways, as you'll have a clear view of what works and what doesn't: empowering your clients becomes your strongest analytical tool.

A case study

Empowering university students and unions

Thousands of freshers every year plunge themselves through a baptism of fire to adjust to unfamiliar surroundings and a whole new way of life. With communities of 10s of thousands of people and sprawling campuses, it is common to feel overcome by the dreaded feeling of “what the hell is going on?”. With this in mind, we have created a platform that Unions can use to display on a map every event happening on campus, that even the most inexperienced users of Google Maps will find immediately intuitive.

Visitors can feel the pulse of your campus with our heatmap feature, allowing your clients to know at a glance the areas of highest activity and discover trending spots. But What's On: is not just about exploring — it's about active participation. Users can log in to the app and create their own posts about any of the events on offer, the power is in their hands to share and connect with others.

What's On: gives you full control over your business, extending your reach and boosting customer engagement. With a top-down view of the whole site, users can flock to hotspots without a care in the world, with no guesswork required. The benefits go both ways, as you'll have a clear view of what works and what doesn't: empowering your clients becomes your strongest analytical tool.

Brought to you by the AppBar team

Portrait of
Sidharth Shanmugam

Project Manager

Portrait of
Fraser Todd

Software Manager

Portrait of
Paul Pickering

QC Manager

Portrait of
Jonathan Cooke

Documentation Manager / QA Tester

Portrait of
Matteo Pearce

Finance Manager / Brand Champion

Portrait of
Oliver Partridge

Comms Manager / UI Designer / Brand Champion

Portrait of
Sophie Maw

Marketing and Design Manager

Portrait of
Srikanth Jakka

VC Manager

Portrait of
Sarujan Thevathasan

UI Designer / Brand Champion

Portrait of
Will Hinton

QA Tester

Portrait of
Luke George


Our Departments

Software Development Team Portrait
Software Development Team

Client-Side: our team of intrepid developers has brought our vision to life, implementing the main app and all its interactive features.

Server-Side: these developers are masters of the dark arts, and have implemented seamless communication between the servers storing all the user information with the app at your fingertips.

Software Testing Team Portrait
Software Testing Team

Remember when that project worked perfectly the first time? Neither do we, that's why we have a team of dedicated testers who ensure that every snippet of code works as intended.

Our integration team makes sure that client and server-side software match up like bread and butter.

Documentation Team Portrait
Documentation Team

Just like visiting your nan, boring things in life are a necessary evil. Luckily for us, we have a team dedicated to making sure our paperwork is in order, and that the t's are crossed, and the i's dotted.

Marketing Team Portrait
Marketing Team

Whilst the rest of us sit in our dungeon crunching code, the marketing team ensures that the face of our operation is clean-shaven and ready to impress, devising strategies to enter into new markets and appeal to all walks of life.

Finance Team Portrait
Finance Team

Whilst competing with the Documentation team for the crown of “Most Boring”, the Finance department brings a dose of common sense to the team, continuously assessing our financial progress and computing the feasibility of future projects.

Group Photo

Want to know more?

All the hard work our dedicated teams have produced since the project's inception is conveniently grouped by category and at your full disposal on our downloads page.

Contact Us

What's On - AppBar Ltd.

School of Physics, Engineering and Technology

University of York



YO10 5DD

United Kingdom